1st Battalion 6th Marine Regiment

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A MESSAGE FROM the 1/6 deployment readiness Coordinator (DRC-FRO)

Welcome to 1st Battalion, 6th Marines! I am the Deployment Readiness Coordinator (formerly known as the Family Readiness Officer or FRO) and I am here to assist you. Let me start by giving you my contact information so that you will have the critical information that you may need upfront. My cell phone number is: 910/376-7126 and my email address is: renea.lewis@usmc.mil. I encourage all spouses, parents, family members and friends to put my contact information in your cell phones now, under FRO, so that you will have it when you have questions about your Marine/Sailor the Marine Corps, or, if you need to contact me or the command for any reason in the future. I am your point of contact. If you don’t know, call the FRO.”

What exactly is a DRC-FRO? Simply, I am the civilian Marine and the official communication link between the command and families.  I have the overall readiness, care and well-being of ALL assigned Marines/Sailors, spouses, children, parents, and extended family members, at heart…and yes this includes pets too. But, as you are new to the command, and quite possibly new to the Marine Corps as well, I am YOUR key point of contact as your Marine/Sailor transitions into 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, aka 1/6 HARD. Whether you are here in the Jacksonville, NC area or not, I will be your point of connection for command updates and information throughout the coming year and especially during our busy training cycle. No question is too trivial; if you need or want to know something that you just do not know, please send me an email, or give me a call.

1/6 HARD is a family-oriented battalion and I am proud to be a part of it. We are very focused on ensuring 365-24/7 readiness among our families.  We have an outstanding cadre of volunteers who donate their time and talents, and together we make up your Family Readiness Team. We do our best to support all of our family and friends. While the overall responsibility for readiness lies with each Marine and Sailor, we encourage spouses, parents, family members, and friends to stay connected and to complete any suggested training to make sure your family stays prepared. 1/6 HARD trains to be a ready force 365/24-7, and if called we will be ready to support any tasking. Our families must be prepared as well.

As a minimum, you will always need to know your Marine/Sailor’s Rank, Name, SSN (at least the last four), Unit Assigned (1/6), Company, and Platoon or Section. If you do NOT know this information, please ask your Marine/Sailor to provide you this information right away.  If you need any assistance from the FRO or command, providing this information upfront will expedite getting you an answer. As we begin our next training cycle, we want to make sure you stay well informed. You are an important part of our 1/6 HARD Family, and we look forward to hearing from you. Welcome Aboard!

1/6 Toll Free 1-800 InfoLine:

1-800-230-8762 then press “21” for 1/6 updates


Camp Lejune Links

Marine Corps Community Services: www. lejeunenewriver.usmc-mccs.org
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune: www.lejeune.usmc.mil
Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune: (910)450-4300 information line 


Other Helpful Links

Military One Source: (800) 342-9647  www.militaryonesource.mil
National Military Family Association: www.militaryfamily.org
Navy Marine Corps Relief Society: www.nmcrs.org
Defense Finance and Accounting Service: https://mypay.dfas.mil
United Service Members Organization: www.uso.org