
Operations Chief, 1st Battalion, 6th Marines
Master Gunnery Sergeant Daniel L. Lemere

Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt) Daniel James Lemere was born in Cornwall, England. He enlisted into the delayed entry program in June 2000, attended Recruit Training in June 2001, and graduated from Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) Parris Island in September 2001 as a Private. Private First Class (PFC) Lemere graduated from the School of Infantry (SOI) East in December 2001 as a 0351 Infantry Assaultman. Following SOI PFC Lemere was assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Marines where he served as an Assault Team Leader in Weapons Platoon. Lance Corporal (LCpl) Lemere deployed in support of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) to the Mediterranean. In August 2003 LCpl Lemere was promoted to the rank of Corporal (Cpl) while on the 26th MEU. Upon returning from the 26th MEU Cpl Lemere was assigned the billet of Assault Squad Leader and deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) in August 2004 to January 2005. In June 2005 Cpl Lemere was promoted to the rank of Sergeant (Sgt) and received orders to MCRD Parris Island, Weapons Field Training Battalion for duty as a Range Coach. In December 2005 he attended Primary Marksmanship School and was assigned to Marksmanship Training Unit as a Primary Marksmanship Instructor (PMI). In March 2006 Sgt Lemere was assigned the billet of PMI Team Leader until he left MCRD Parris Island in October 2007.

In November 2007 Sgt Lemere received orders to Fox Company 2d Battalion 5th Marines as an Assault Section Leader and Weapons Platoon Sergeant. He deployed with 2d Battalion, 5th Marines on the 15th MEU from January 2008 to November 2008. Upon returning from the 15th MEU he was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant (SSgt) in January 2009. SSgt Lemere was then assigned to Weapons Company as a Combined Anti-Armor Team (CAAT) Section Leader and deployed in support of the 31st MEU in September 2009 to January 2010. In February 2010 he deployed with Fox Company as a Rifle Platoon Sergeant to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and returned in June 2010.

In October 2010 SSgt Lemere reported to Marine Combat Instructor School and upon graduation in December 2010 was assigned to Advanced Infantry Training Battalion, Infantry Unit Leaders Training Company. Due to his high level of proficiency and work ethic SSgt Lemere was selected to instruct at Infantry Unit Leaders Course. During this period SSgt Lemere served as an Instructor and Assistant Chief Instructor for Infantry Unit Leaders Course.

In October 2014 SSgt Lemere reported to 1st Battalion, 3d Marines and served as both a Rifle Platoon Sergeant and Weapons Platoon Sergeant for Charlie Company. SSgt Lemere deployed as part of 1st Battalion, 3d Marines Unit Deployment Program (UDP) to Okinawa, Japan from June 2014 to December 2014. Upon returning SSgt Lemere assumed the billet of Company Gunnery Sergeant in January 2015. In July 2015 SSgt Lemere was promoted to the rank of GySgt and served as Platoon Sergeant for Combined Anti-Armor Team Two. He then deployed again to Okinawa, Japan for another UDP with 1st Battalion 3d Marines from December 2015 to June 2016. Upon returning from the UDP GySgt Lemere was assigned to the billet of Weapons Company Operations Chief.

In November 2017 GySgt Lemere reported to Basic Security Guard Course and upon graduation in January 2018 was assigned to Marine Corps Security Forces Regiment as the Regimental Assistant Operations Chief. In August of 2019 GySgt Lemere was promoted to the rank of Master Sergeant.

In October of 2019 MSgt Lemere executed orders to 3d Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) for assignment as the Current Operations Chief. While at 3d MEB MSgt Lemere supported multiple Bi-Lateral exercises in support of 3d MEB's mission as the Command Element for the III MEF Alert Contingency MAGTF.

In May of 2022 MGySgt Lemere was promoted to his current rank and executed orders to 1st Battalion 6th Marines for assignment as the Battalion Operations Chief. He is currently serving in that billet.

MGySgt Lemere’s personal awards include: Purple Heart X 1, Meritorious Service Medal X 1, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal X 3, Navy and Marine Corps  Achievement Medal X 2, Combat Action Ribbon X 2, Good Conduct Medal X 6, Letter of Appreciation X 3, Certificate of Appreciation X 1, Meritorious Mast X 7, Certificate of Commendation X 2.