Unit HomeLeadersBiography
6th Marines


6th Marines

2d Marine Division

Camp Lejeune, NC
Master Sergeant Eugene J. Carle Operations Chief, 6th Marines

MSgt Eugene J. Carle Jr. reported to Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego on June 2000.  He graduated in September 2000.  Later that month, MSgt Carle reported to Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry (West) (SOI-W) for training.  Upon graduation he obtained his MOS, 0311 infantry rifleman.  After SOI-W, MSgt Carle received orders to Marine Corps Security Force Training Battalion in Norfolk, Virginia.  While at Marine Corps Security Force Training Battalion, MSgt Carle attended the Basic Security Guard School.  Following his training at Marine Corps Security Force Training Battalion, MSgt Carle reported to his first duty station.

MSgt Carle reported to Marine Corps Security Force Company, Patuxent River, Maryland on December 2000.  While stationed here, he held the billets of Sentry, Fire Team Leader, Squad Leader, and Corporal of the Guard.  MSgt Carle departed Patuxent River for his next assignment in June 2002.

MSgt Carle reported to Kilo Company, 3d Battalion, 4th Marines, Twenty-Nine Palms, California in July 2002.  Shortly after his arrival MSgt Carle, attended Tactical Small Unit Leaders Course.  While with Kilo Company, MSgt Carle held the billets of Fire Team Leader, Squad Leader, and Platoon Sergeant.  He deployed to Kuwait and Iraq in January 2003 as a part of Regimental Combat Team 7 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Following his deployment, MSgt Carle reported to Kilo Company, 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, in September 2003 to assist in Pre-Deployment Training exercises in preparation for the Battalion’s upcoming deployment back to Iraq until his departure in September of 2004.

In September of 2004, MSgt Carle received orders to Weapons and Field Training Battalion Edson Range aboard Camp Pendleton.  MSgt Carle was assigned to Charlie Range to serve as a range coach.  In January of 2005, he became heavily involved with competition shooting.  In February, he shot at the 2005 Western Division Matches; just barely missing the medal bracket and continuing on to shoot for the Marine Corps Rifle Team, MSgt Carle was picked up on the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) San Diego Shooting Team.  Upon completion of the Division Matches, MSgt Carle became a Primary Marksmanship Instructor.    In January 2006, again he participated in the Western Division Matches.  During the 2006 Western Division Team Match, MSgt Carle coached his four-man team through unforgiving winds, bringing the San Diego Trophy back to Edson Range.  In March 2006, MSgt Carle took over as SNCOIC of the MCRD Shooting team.  While the vast majority of the practices, matches, and weapons maintenance occurred after hours, during working hours he was also responsible for his daily duties as a Primary Marksmanship Instructor, Training NCO, Pistol Range SNCOIC, and ISMT NCO.  MSgt. Carle’s time at Edson Range came to an end in September 2006. 

MSgt Carle checked into Charlie Company, 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion in October 2006.  He held the billets of Scout Section Leader and the Company’s Combat Marksmanship Instructor.  In March 2007, he deployed back to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08.  Upon returning home he started preparing for his upcoming Special Duty Assignment.

MSgt Carle reported to Marine Combat Instructors Course in January 2008. Upon graduation MSgt Carle was assigned to India Company, Marine Combat Training Battalion, where he held the billets of Combat Instructor, Platoon Sergeant, and Platoon Commander.  In February 2010, MSgt Carle was transferred to Headquarters and Instructor Company where he held the billets of Primary Instructor, Basic Instructor, Senior Instructor, and Assistant Tactics Section Leader.  While with H&I Company and in preparation for his upcoming return to the Operating Forces, MSgt Carle attended the Infantry Unit Leaders Course.

MSgt Carle received his next orders directing him to 2d Battalion, 2d Marine Regiment in January 2011, where he was assigned to Easy Company as the Weapons Platoon Sergeant.  In March 2011, MSgt Carle deployed as part of the 22d Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard the USS Whidbey Island (LSD-41) in support of 5th and 6th Fleet Operations.  In July 2012, MSgt Carle attended Career Course aboard Camp Johnson, North Carolina.  In March 2013, MSgt Carle deployed to Romania in support of Black Sea Rotational Force 13.  After returning to CONUS, MSgt Carle was reassigned as the Company Gunnery Sergeant for Easy Company.  In preparation for his next billet, he attended Advanced Mortarman Course in January 2014.  In February 2014, MSgt Carle was reassigned as the 81MM Mortar Platoon Sergeant and deployed again to Romania in support of Black Sea Rotational Force 14.2A.  MSgt Carle’s final billet in 2d Battalion, 2d Marines was Weapons Company Operations Chief. 

MSgt Carle reported in September 2015, to Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group Fort Story, Virginia.  While at Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group, MSgt Carle served as the Training Management and Foreign Weapons Course Chief and the Training Instructor Group Operations Chief.  In addition to teaching countless periods of instructions, managing curriculum, and coordinating multiple simultaneous Pre-deployment Training Programs for Security Cooperation Teams deploying across the world, MSgt Carle also deployed to Jordan as part of an Assessment Team in order to continue shaping the pre-deployment training programs of future Advise and Assist Teams.  MSgt Carle was also heavily involved in the development, implementation, shaping, and execution of the Pre-deployment Training Programs and certification exercises for the initial and follow-on Advisor Task Forces operating in Afghanistan and Iraq.  While assigned to Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group, MSgt Carle attended the Marine Advisor Course, Security Cooperation Planners Course, Curriculum Developer Course, Advanced Noncommissioned Officers Course, Inter-service Range Safety Course (Intermediate), High Risk Concealed Carry Course, Defensive and Evasive Driving Course, Watch Officer / Watch Chief Course, Ground Combat Element Operations Specialist Course, and Expeditionary Warfare Staff Planning Course.

MSgt Carle reported to Weapons Company, 2d Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment in September 2018, and was assigned as the Weapons Company Operations Chief.  Although his time with Weapons Company was short, MSgt Carle exploited training opportunities for the Company with outside agencies not typically afforded to infantry units.  MSgt was selected to be the Subject Matter Expert for Command Operations Center operations during the Task Force Southwest 19.1 Certification Exercise in November 2018. 

Approximately two weeks after being selected to his current rank, MSgt Carle reported to Weapons Company, 1st Battalion, 2d Marine Regiment, putting him on the next flight to link-up with his new and forward deployed Battalion.  In Greece, MSgt Carle walked aboard the USS Kearsage (LHD-3) joining Battalion Landing Team 1/2 and the 22d Marine Expeditionary Unit in support of 5th and 6th Fleet operations.  MSgt Carle participated in MAGTF Warfighting Exercise 1-20.  MSgt Carle was hand-selected to fulfill an Operations Noncommissioned Officer Individual Augment billet for Marine Forces Africa Command and thus received orders to 6th Marine Regiment in February 2020.

Master Sergeant Carle reported to 6th Marine Regiment on 14 February 2020 and assumed the duties of the 6th Marine Regiment’s Assistant Operations Chief.  Shortly after his arrival, the Regimental Operations Chief received orders and Master Sergeant Carle was immediately billeted as the 6th Marine Regiment Operations Chief.  In March 2020, Master Sergeant Carle attended Advanced Maneuver Warfare Course 2-20, attaining his current Military Occupational Specialty of 0399, Operations Chief and the additional Military Occupational Specialty of 0577, Operations and Tactics Instructor.  After graduating, he was a key player in restructuring and the manning of 6th Marine’s Regiment Combat Operations Center in preparation for the Regiment’s upcoming participation in Service Level Training Exercise 2-21 and MAGTF Warfighting Exercise 2-21.  Additionally, Master Sergeant Carle worked hand-in-hand with two Battalions returning from their respective deployments to be reintegrated into the Regiment.  Master Sergeant Carle was hand-picked by the 2d Marine Division Operations Chief to deploy as an Individual Augment serving as the Senior Contingency Operations Noncommissioned Officer-In-Charge of Special Operations Task Force North and West Africa’s (SOTF-NWA) Joint Operations Center in Baumholder, Germany from September 2020 to March 2021.  During this time, Master Sergeant Carle oversaw daily operations of real-world classified missions and was the liaison from the troops on the ground to Marine Forces Europe and Africa, and also United States Africa Command.  Upon receiving the relocation order of SOTF-NWA’s Headquarters Element, Master Sergeant Carle was put in charge of the divestment and turn-in of gear and equipment back to Army Base Baumholder.  Upon return to 6th Marine Regiment, Master Sergeant Carle assumed duties as the 6th Marine Regiment Assistant Operations Chief.  Master Sergeant Carle was hand selected to attend and graduated Expeditionary Warfare School Blended Seminar 1-22 in the Summer of 2021.  In March 2022, the Regimental Operations Chief was pulled to support 2d Marine Division in real-world operations and again, Master Sergeant Carle immediately billeted to his current position as the 6th Marine Regiment Operations Chief. 

MSgt Carle’s personal awards consist of a Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy Commendation Medal with one gold star, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Combat Device (V), Combat Action Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal with one silver star, Gold rifle shooting medal, Silver shooting Medal, San Diego Team Trophy medal, five Meritorious Masts, nine Letters of Appreciation, and one Certificate of Appreciation.